Friday, November 19, 2010


This dish brings me back to Dun Laoghaire and reminds me of its colours and perfume. The sunday market, the peaceful morning walking along the seaside and the cold wind messing people's hair.
It's happening again...I'm feeling homesick more than usual and I need a taste of HOME.

for 2 people

2 fresh salmon steaks
half a glass of white wine
3 tablespoons of olive oil
a teaspoon of dry terragon

a teaspoon of chopped fresh parsley leaves
ground black pepper

Put the salmon steaks into a large pan with the olive oil, add salt and cook until both surfaces are kind of crispy. Add the white wine, the terragon and let boil off for two to three minutes on a high flame, then turn the heat down to a simmer and cover with the lid.
Cook for about 20 minutes.
Turn the heat on again and add the parsley and the black pepper, cook for another 5 minutes and serve with boiled baby potatoes or peppers.

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